Friday, January 25, 2013

The Health Benefits of Low GI Eating

The scientific evidence supporting the health benefits of a healthy low GI diet is overwhelming. We know from over 30 years of research from around the world that healthy low Glycemic Index diets:
  • Help to fill you up and keep you feeling satisfied for longer, avoiding over eating or too much snacking.
  • Lower your insulin levels which makes fat easier to burn and less likely to be stored.
  • Help you to lose body fat and maintain lean muscle tissue.
  • Reduce your triglycerides, total and 'bad' (LDL) cholesterol.
  • Increase your levels of 'good' (HDL) cholesterol.
  • Reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Help to manage your blood glucose levels and reduce your risk of developing diabetes complications.
  • Reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
  • Reduce your risk of developing some cancers
  • Reduce your risk of developing certain eye diseases.
  • Improve your skin
  • Sustain your energy levels longer, improving both mental and physical performance.
Low GI eating really is for everyone.

Knowing the GI of foods is of particular value to people with diabetes who need to manage their blood glucose levels carefully. Perhaps unsurprisingly, diabetes organizations such as Diabetes AustraliaCanadian Diabetes AssociationEuropean Association for the Study of DiabetesJuvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the South African Diabetes Association encourage an understanding and use of GI in meal planning.
However, lowering the GI of your diet can also lead to better health  through improved heart health and helping to manage appetite.
Health and nutrition authorities from around the world recommend that everyone use the GI as a tool when looking for healthy food choices:


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