"My wife's cousin Leigh is a breast cancer survivor," said Dr. White. "She had bilateral cancers in her early 30's and has survived with the help of surgery and chemo. She has made it her life's goal to make young women aware of the importance of early and frequent self-examination."
The Feel Your Boobies Foundation is headquartered in Pennsylvania. Leigh and her staff travel all over the U.S. bringing their message to girls in high school and college. Their approach is very direct and edgy, just the kind of thing that will get the attention of young women. The White family has been strongly supporting them for years. In fact, Dan and Randy White celebrated the 1st Anniversary of their fitness center Comet CrossFit with a benfit for Feel Your Boobies!
So come on in and check out the fantastic selection of frames and lenses at the SkyVision Centers Optical, and tune in to the news on Channel 19 tonight in Cleveland to see if we made the cut for tonight's news program. You can learn more about Feel Your Boobies at www.feelyourboobies.com, or search for Feel Your Boobies on Facebook.
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