Thursday, August 9, 2012

Eyedrops For Cataract Surgery

Dr. White is our cataract surgeon at Skyvision Centers. He is one of the most experienced cataract surgeons in Cleveland, and indeed in all of the Midwest. He, along with Drs. Schlegel and Kaye, form our cataract team of doctors. They choose which eyedrops are the best available for use before and after cataract surgery. In addition the doctors have chosen a group of medicines that are easier to take (you only need to use the drops twice per day), and eyedrops that are comfortable so you don't avoid using them!

There are typically three types of eyedrops used around the time of your cataract surgery. An antibiotic is prescribed which is to be used starting 5 days BEFORE cataract surgery. The antibiotic typically is continued for a week after the surgery. The doctors have chosen an antibiotic drop from the strongest class of atibiotics now in existence in order to prevent infections. There are three choices in this class of medicines, two of which can be used twice per day.

A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drop (NSAID), kind of like Motrin in a drop form, is also prescribed to start 5 days prior to the surgery. This medicine is then continued for 4 weeks after the surgery. It is used to prevent a type of swelling in the back of the eye. The doctors have chosen a medicine that is easy to take (twice per day), doesn't hurt when you put it in, and doesn't have any dangerous side effects. There are NO TRUE GENERIC EQUIVALENTS for this medicine. The generic medicines on the market must be used 4 times per day. They can be very uncomfortable; most people complain bitterly that they sting. Most importantly, the generic option has a 30% complication rate. That's right, 3 out of 10 people have swelling and inflammation in their cornea caused by this drop and this causes pain and a big drop in vision.

Finally, a steroid eyedrop is prescribed to be used after the surgery, beginning on the 1st day after the surgery. This drop treats the normal post-op inflammation in the eye. Like the other eyedrops it is used twice per day, and you continue to use it for 4 weeks after the surgery. There are NO TRUE GENERIC EQUIVALENTS for this medicine. The generic medicines must all be used at least 4 times per day and they are not as strong or as effective.

We understand that medicines can be expensive, especially when an important medicine is not fully covered by your health insurance. But we are talking about YOUR EYES and eye surgery. Your Skyvision doctors have chosen what they feel are the best medicines possible to do every thing possible for you to have a great surgical result.

What could be more important?!


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