Friday, July 6, 2012

My Child Just Failed A School Vision Test!

Uh oh...your child just failed a school vision screening test. Just what IS a vision screening test? What are they looking for? What does it mean to fail the test? Now what should I do?

First things first: take a deep breath! Take your own pulse. Relax! Vision screening tests are meant to find children who have a vision problem that might not be uncovered without testing. Like ALL screening tests for anything, the vision screening test is designed to pick up anything that MIGHT BE abnormal. These tests are meant to not miss any abnormalities, so they often will "find" something abnormal where everything is really just fine.

Your child was likely tested for near vision, far vision, color vision, and some kind of eye muscle function. Vision screening is done by volunteers who are only trained in how to administer the test itself. Very few people who are doing the screening work in eye care, so most of these volunteers will not be comfortable answering any questions you might have. Don't worry if they don't have answers!

What do you do if your child fails the screening? Easy! Bring them to Skyvision Centers! ALL of our doctors are qualified to examine and treat children and children's vision problems. Kids who fail a screening test simply need to be seen by an eye doctor. We were VERY surprised when friends were recently told to take their child to a University specialist for a simple failed school screening--totally unnecessary referral!

Most visits to the eye doctor uncover a simple vision problem that can be fixed with a pair of glasses, or a finding of nothing at all! A perfectly normal eye exam! So RELAX. Just give us at call at Skyvision Centers (440-892-3931), or contact us through our website (, or through Demand Force at and schedule a visit.


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