Train your brain to see better! How does this work actually? Well, we think a very good example that helps to explain how RevitalVision works is the Hubble space telescope. Remember when the telescope was initially launched and it was a big problem with focusing the telescope? It turns out that the mirror, the focusing element in most big telescopes, was very poorly focused. The mirror not only had some astigmatism but also had something called "higher order aberrations". It took five visits to the Hubble from the Space Shuttle to finally get the optics of the mirror right.
1990 Hubble image.
The last Space Shuttle mission was in 1999 so the last time the mirror was "focused" was 11 years ago. But every year since we've been getting better and better images from the Hubble space telescope. Absolutely brilliant views of distant solar systems and galaxies, each year bringing a clearer view of the rest of our universe. How can this be if we are using 1999 vintage optics?
2009 Hubble image.
Once the optics were optimized on the Hubble space telescope images that were captured were sent back to Earth in exactly the same way. However, here on earth, we have been using better, faster, and stronger computers to evaluate those images. In other words, we have been bringing better processing to bare upon those images. Hence, better views!
In a nutshell that's how RevitalVision works. Once we've done everything that we possibly can do to get a better image from our eyes, we can now use RevitalVision to make our brain process that image better! We can train our brain to see better!
How cool is that?!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
RevitalVision and the Hubble Space Telescope
Posted by
10:22 AM
Dr. Darrell White,
Skyvision Centers and Revitalvision,
train your brain to see better
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