Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Skyvision Centers Macular Degeneration Vitamin Program

So, what are we doing at Skyvision Centers with all of the Macular Degeneration (AMD) research on anti-oxidant vitamins? We have found it very difficult over the years to give vitamin advice that we felt was good enough. Either the commercial vitamin brands were too confusing, or the best vitamins available were too expensive, or it was just too complicated to figure out how to combine the AREDS anti-oxidant vitamins with our patients regular multi-vitamins (and we are BIG fans of a multi-vit!).

After years of struggling  with this we have decided to offer what we feel is the best available vitamins at this time, both in terms of quality and value. We have arranged to provide AMD vitamins from DOCTOR'S ADVANTAGE, a specialty vitamin producer dedicated to serving the needs of eye patients and eye doctors. There are some very strong advantages to you and to your Skyvision Centers doctors to using these vitamins.

First, "Macular Shield" vitamins provide the exact AREDS1 vitamins along with Lutein and Zeaxanthin. "Macular Shield" is also a complete multi-vitamin as well; this removes all of the difficulty in trying to decide what, and how much, you should take of a regular vitamin. All of your vitamin needs are in the one pill. If you are a smoker (or qualify as a smoker by AREDS criteria) there is a "Macular Shield-S" which does not have beta-carotene. People with other reasons not to take high doses of beta-carotene can take this as well.

We think that the AREDS2 trial is going to find that Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil are helpful. Doctor's Advantage has the highest quality, mercury-free fish oil possible in "Omega Shield" that can be added to your "Macular Shield". All of these products are similar in price to store-bought brands, and much less expensive than other specialty vitamins.

If you live in the Cleveland area and visit us at Skyvision Centers be sure to ask us about the advantages of having your vitamins shipped right to your door!


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