Thursday, March 31, 2011

PixelOptics emPower Lenses

They're coming! Electronic full-lens glasses that change their focus so that you can see near, far, and in-between. The PixelOptics emPower glasses will arrive at Skyvision Centers in September, 2011!

The emPower lens can change it's focus automatically, or you can change it manually with a button on the frame. No more narrow column of clarity--you can use the WHOLE LENS to see your book, your computer, or your horizon. The lenses focus as fast as your eye can blink.

Lisa and Erin visited the PixelOptics folks at the Vision Expo East and they were blown away by the technology. Seems the PixelOptics folks were blown away by Lisa and Erin, too! Dr. White will have the first pair of emPower glasses in Ohio!

Stay tuned for more info on PixelOptics in Cleveland right here at Skyvision!


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