Monday, September 20, 2010

Azasite for Blepharitis

Blepharitis is an inflammatory disease of the eyelid margins. It is usually caused by either an over-grwoth of the naturally occurring bacteria that live on our eyelids, or from an inflammation that comes from within our bodies. Azasite is a very effective antibiotic gel drop that works very well to counteract the symptoms of Bleparitis. Here's a report on a study done on Azasite:

"Study Shows Azasite Improves Symptoms of Blepharitis

Azithromycin ophthalmic solution 1% (Azasite; Inspire Pharmaceuticals, Inc.)
provided significant improvement in signs and symptoms of blepharitis after 4
weeks of treatment compared with baseline, and persisted in a 4-week follow-up
period, according to a study in Cornea.^1

Twenty-six patients (mean age, 64.2 years) with moderate-to-severe blepharitis
received azithromycin ophthalmic solution 1% in the absence of warm compresses
or eyelid scrubs for 28 days (twice daily on days 1 and 2 and q.i.d. on days
3-28). Blepharitis signs and symptoms were evaluated at baseline (day 1), and
compared with the end of treatment (day 29), and two follow-up visits (2 and 4
weeks post-treatment). Tear collection and eyelid margin bacterial cultures
were performed at baseline and end of treatment. Tear cytokines were measured
by a multiplex immunobead assay.

Four-week azithromycin treatment demonstrated significant decreases from
baseline in investigator-rated signs of meibomian gland plugging, eyelid margin
redness, palpebral conjunctival redness, and ocular discharge (P ? .002) at day
29, which persisted 4 weeks post-treatment (P ? .006). Patient-reported
symptoms of eyelid itching, foreign-body sensation/sandiness/grittiness, ocular
dryness, ocular burning/pain, and swollen/heavy eyelids also demonstrated
significant improvement from baseline (P < 0.001 for all symptoms and time
points, except P = .037 for ocular dryness at visit four), according to the
study. Eyelid margin culture exhibited significant decreases in
coagulase-negative staphylococci and Corynebacterium xerosis bacteria. Changes
in tear cytokine concentrations were not observed. Twelve patients experienced
19 adverse events, 15 of which were ocular, and none of which were serious.

1. Haque R, Torkildsen G, Brubaker K, et. al. Multicenter open-label study
evaluating the efficacy of azithromycin ophthalmic solution 1% on the signs and
symptoms of subjects with blepharitis [published online ahead of print].
Cornea. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0b013e3181ca38a0."

The doctors at Skyvision Centers in Westlake were the first in Cleveland to utilize this breakthrough treatment for the symptoms of Blepharitis!


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